Python-ELMO is a Python library which offers an encapsulation of the binary tool ELMO, in order to manipulate it easily in Python and SageMath script.
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. elmo_repository="elmo"
  3. elmo_source=""
  4. if [ -d ${elmo_repository} ]; then
  5. echo "ELMO tool already installed."
  6. else
  7. echo "ELMO tool NOT installed... Installing via online resources..."
  8. # Download the tool
  9. git clone --depth=1 --branch=master ${elmo_source} ${elmo_repository}
  10. rm -rf ./${elmo_repository}/.git
  11. # Compile the tool
  12. cd ./${elmo_repository}
  13. make
  14. cd ..
  15. fi