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Online execution of ELMO

Thibauld Feneuil 4 лет назад
8 измененных файлов: 251 добавлений и 156 удалений
  1. 6
  2. 68
  3. 66
  4. 13
  5. 88
  6. 3
  7. 5
  8. 2

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LICENCE.txt Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 "Thibauld FENEUIL" <thibauld.feneuil@cryptoexperts.com>
Copyright (c) 2020:
Thibauld FENEUIL
41 Boulevard des Capucines
75002 Paris, France

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ 68
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README.md Просмотреть файл

@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ What is a _simulation project_ ? It is a project to simulate the traces of _one_
To start a new project, you can use the following function.
> from elmo_online.manage import create_simulation
> create_simulation(
> 'dilithium', # The (relative) path of the project
> 'DilithiumSimulation' # The classname of the simulation
from elmo_online.manage import create_simulation
'dilithium', # The (relative) path of the project
'DilithiumSimulation' # The classname of the simulation
This function will create a repository _dilithium_ with all the complete squeleton of the project. In this repository, you can find:
@@ -63,37 +63,70 @@ This function will create a repository _dilithium_ with all the complete squelet
- The file _projectclass.py_ where there is the class of the simulation which will enable you to generate traces of the project in Python scripts;
- A _Makefile_ ready to be used with a compiler _arm-none-eabi-gcc_.
_Online ELMO_ offers a example project to you in the repository _projects/Examples_ in the module. This example is a project to generate traces of the execution of the NTT implemented in the cryptosystem [Kyber](https://pq-crystals.org/kyber/).
### List all the available simulation
>from elmo_online.manage import search_simulations
from elmo_online.manage import search_simulations
{'DilithiumSimulation': <class 'DilithiumSimulation'>,
'KyberNTTSimulation': <class 'KyberNTTSimulation'>}
_Online ELMO_ offers a example project to you in the repository _projects/Examples_ of the module. This example is a project to generate traces of the execution of the NTT implemented in the cryptosystem [Kyber](https://pq-crystals.org/kyber/).
### Use a simulation project
Warning! Before using it, you have to compile your project thanks to the provided Makefile.
> from elmo_online.manage import get_simulation
> KyberSimulation = get_simulation_via_classname('KyberNTTSimulation')
> import numpy as np
> Kyber512 = {'k': 2, 'n': 256}
> challenges = [
> np.ones((Kyber512['k'], Kyber512['n']), dtype=int),
> ]
> simulation = KyberSimulation(challenges)
> simulation.run() # Launch the simulation
> traces = simulation.get_traces()
> # And now, I can draw and analyse the traces
from elmo_online.manage import get_simulation
KyberNTTSimulation = get_simulation_via_classname('KyberNTTSimulation')
import numpy as np
Kyber512 = {'k': 2, 'n': 256}
challenges = [
np.ones((Kyber512['k'], Kyber512['n']), dtype=int),
simulation = KyberNTTSimulation(challenges)
simulation.run() # Launch the simulation
traces = simulation.get_traces()
# And now, I can draw and analyse the traces
### Use a simulution project thanks to a server
Sometimes, it is impossible to run the simulation thanks the simple method _run_ of the project class. Indeed, sometimes the Python script is executed in the environment where _Online ELMO_ cannot launch the ELMO tool. For example, it is the case where _Online ELMO_ is used in SageMath on Windows. On Windows, SageMath installation relies on the Cygwin POSIX emulation system and it can be a problem.
To offer a solution, _Online ELMO_ can be used thanks to a link client-server. The idea is you must launch the script _run_server.py_ which will listen (by default) at port 5000 in localhost.
python3 run_server.py
And after, you can manipulate the projects as described in the previous section by replacing _run_ to _run_online_.
from elmo_online.manage import get_simulation
KyberNTTSimulation = get_simulation_via_classname('KyberNTTSimulation')
import numpy as np
Kyber512 = {'k': 2, 'n': 256}
challenges = [
np.ones((Kyber512['k'], Kyber512['n']), dtype=int),
simulation = KyberNTTSimulation(challenges)
simulation.run_online() # Launch the simulation THANKS TO A SERVER
traces = simulation.get_traces()
# And now, I can draw and analyse the traces
Warning! Using the _run_online_ method doesn't exempt you from compiling the project with the provided Makefile.
### Use the ELMO Engine
The engine exploits the model of ELMO to directly give the power consumption of an assembler instruction. In the model, to have the power consumption of an assembler instruction, it needs
@@ -110,17 +143,17 @@ The type of the instructions are:
- "_**OTHER**_" for the other instructions.
> from elmo_online.engine import ELMOEngine, Instr
> engine = ELMOEngine()
> for i in range(0, 256):
> engine.add_point(
> (Instr.LDR, Instr.MUL, Instr.OTHER), # Types of the previous, current and next instructions
> (0x0000, i), # Operands of the previous instructions
> (0x2BAC, i) # Operands of the current instructions
> )
> engine.run() # Compute the power consumption of all these points
> power = engine.power # Numpy 1D array with an entry for each previous point
> engine.reset_points() # Reset the engine to study other points
from elmo_online.engine import ELMOEngine, Instr
engine = ELMOEngine()
for i in range(0, 256):
(Instr.LDR, Instr.MUL, Instr.OTHER), # Types of the previous, current and next instructions
(0x0000, i), # Operands of the previous instructions
(0x2BAC, i) # Operands of the current instructions
engine.run() # Compute the power consumption of all these points
power = engine.power # Numpy 1D array with an entry for each previous point
engine.reset_points() # Reset the engine to study other points
## Licences

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executorthread.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -2,65 +2,86 @@ from servicethread import OneShotServiceThread
import subprocess
import shutil
from project_reader import ProjectReader
global_variables = {}
import os, re
class ExecutorThread(OneShotServiceThread):
def __init__(self, ip, port, clientsocket, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ip, port, clientsocket)
self.projects = kwargs['projects'] if 'projects' in kwargs else None
def execute(self):
projects = self.projects
if project is None:
reader = ProjectReader()
projects = {sc.get_project_label(): sc for sc in reader.get_project_classes()}
print('Warning: need to research the projects.')
print('Already have projects')
data = self.protocol.get_data()
self.protocol.please_assert('project' in data)
self.protocol.please_assert(data['project'] in projects)
# Set the input of ELMO
self.protocol.please_assert('input' in data)
with open('elmo/input.txt', 'w') as _input_file:
# Get the binary
binary_content = self.protocol.get_file()
with open('elmo/project.bin', 'wb') as _binary_file:
### Generate the traces by launching ELMO
command = './elmo ./project.bin'
cwd = './elmo/'
process = subprocess.Popen(
command, shell=True, cwd=cwd,
output, error = process.communicate()
output = output.decode('latin-1') if output else None
error = error.decode('latin-1') if error else None
if error:
'output': output,
'error': error,
### Get traces
nb_traces = output.count('TRACE NO')
# Get the project
project = projects[data['project']]
trace_filenames = []
for filename in os.listdir('elmo/output/traces/'):
if len(trace_filenames) < nb_traces:
if re.search(r'^trace\d+\.trc$', filename):
# Make the compilation
if False:
print('Compiling binary...')
# Adapt the project source
with open('binaries/Frodo/frodo-base.c', 'r') as _src_file:
content = _src_file.read()
with open('binaries/Frodo/frodo.c', 'w') as _dst_file:
_dst_file.write(content.replace('%NEED_TO_FILL%', str(n)))
# Compile the project
make_directory = 'projects/{}/{}'.format(project.get_project_directory(), project.get_make_directory())
process = subprocess.Popen('make', shell=True, cwd=make_directory, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
if error and ('error' in error.decode('latin-1')):
print("Error to compile")
raise Exception()
# Save last compilation data
global_variables[project_name] = {
'last_n': n,
assert len(trace_filenames) == nb_traces
results = trace_filenames
# Generate the trace by launching ELMO
command = './elmo ../projects/{}/{}'.format(project.get_project_directory(), project.get_binary())
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, cwd='elmo_online/elmo/', executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
for i in range(len(results)):
with open(results[i], 'r') as _file:
results[i] = list(map(float, _file.readlines()))
### Get asmtrace and printed data
asmtrace = None
if not ('asmtrace' in data and not data['asmtrace']):
with open('elmo/output/asmoutput/asmtrace00001.txt', 'r') as _file:
asmtrace = ''.join(_file.readlines())
printed_data = None
if not ('printdata' in data and not data['printdata']):
with open('elmo/output/printdata.txt', 'r') as _file:
printed_data = list(map(lambda x: int(x, 16), _file.readlines()))
# Send results
### Send results
'output': output.decode('latin-1') if output else None,
'error': error.decode('latin-1') if error else None,
'output': output,
'error': error,
'nb_traces': nb_traces,
'results': results,
'asmtrace': asmtrace,
'printed_data': printed_data,

+ 13
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manage.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ def search_simulations_in_module(criteria=lambda x:True):
return search_simulations_in_repository(projects_path, criteria)
def search_simulations(repository, criteria=lambda x:True):
projects = search_simulations_in_repository(repositories, criteria)
projects = search_simulations_in_repository(repository, criteria)
module_projects = search_simulations_in_module
module_projects = search_simulations_in_module(criteria)
for key, project in module_projects.items():
if key not in projects:
projects[key] = project
@@ -142,17 +142,22 @@ def execute_simulation(project, data=None):
# Generate the trace by launching ELMO
command = './elmo {}/{}'.format(
command = './elmo "{}/{}"'.format(
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/elmo'
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, cwd=cwd, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, cwd=cwd, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
output = output.decode('latin-1') if output else None
error = error.decode('latin-1') if error else None
nb_traces = output.count('TRACE NO')
# Return results
return (
output.decode('latin-1') if output else None,
error.decode('latin-1') if error else None,
return {
'output': output,
'error': error,
'nb_traces': nb_traces,

+ 88
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project_base.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -28,22 +28,6 @@ def write_list(_input, uint16_list):
for uint16 in uint16_list:
write(_input, uint16)
def launch_simulation(quiet=False, **kwargs):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('localhost', 5000))
SocketTool.send_data(s, kwargs)
if not SocketTool.get_ack(s):
raise RuntimeError("NACK received: The request has been refused !")
data = SocketTool.get_data(s)
if data['error'] and not quiet:
raise Exception("The simulation return an error.")
return data['output'], data['error']
except IOError as err:
raise RuntimeError("The connection refused. Has the ELMO server been switch on ?") from err
class SimulationProject:
_nb_bits_for_nb_challenges = 16
@@ -89,7 +73,15 @@ class SimulationProject:
def __init__(self, challenges=None):
self.elmo_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/elmo'
self.challenges = challenges
def reset(self):
self.is_executed = False
self.has_been_online = False
self._complete_asmtrace = None
self._complete_results = None
self._complete_printed_data = None
def set_challenges(self, challenges):
self.challenges = challenges
@@ -118,30 +110,66 @@ class SimulationProject:
self.set_input_for_each_challenge(input, challenge)
def run(self):
with open('{}/input.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'w') as _input:
from .manage import execute_simulation
res = execute_simulation(self)
self.is_executed = True
self.has_been_online = False
return res
def run_online(self):
with open('{}/input.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'w') as _input:
launch_simulation(project=self.get_project_label(), quiet=False)
def run_online(self, host='localhost', port=5000):
class TempInput:
def __init__(self):
self._buffer = ''
def write(self, data):
self._buffer += data
def get_string(self):
return self._buffer
input = TempInput()
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
SocketTool.send_data(s, {
'input': input.get_string(),
if not SocketTool.get_ack(s):
raise RuntimeError("NACK received: The request has been refused !")
SocketTool.send_file(s, '{}/{}'.format(self.get_project_directory(), self.get_binary()))
data = SocketTool.get_data(s)
if data['error']:
raise Exception("The simulation returned an error: {}".format(data['error']))
except IOError as err:
raise RuntimeError("The connection refused. Has the ELMO server been switch on ?") from err
self.is_executed = True
self.has_been_online = True
self._complete_asmtrace = data['asmtrace']
self._complete_results = data['results']
self._complete_printed_data = data['printed_data']
### Manipulate the ASM trace
def get_asmtrace_filename(self):
return '{}/output/asmoutput/asmtrace00001.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder)
def get_asmtrace(self):
with open(self.get_asmtrace_filename(), 'r') as _file:
return [line.strip() for line in _file.readlines()]
if self._complete_asmtrace is None:
with open(self.get_asmtrace_filename(), 'r') as _file:
self._complete_asmtrace = ''.join(_file.readlines())
return self._complete_asmtrace.split('\n')
def get_indexes_of(self, condition):
with open(self.get_asmtrace_filename(), 'r') as _file:
asmtrace = _file.readlines()
return [i for i, instr in enumerate(asmtrace) if condition(instr)]
return [i for i, instr in enumerate(self.get_asmtrace()) if condition(instr)]
### Manipulate the results
def get_number_of_traces(self):
return len(self.challenges)
@@ -149,31 +177,37 @@ class SimulationProject:
assert self.is_executed
nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces()
trace_filenames = []
for filename in os.listdir('{}/output/traces/'.format(self.elmo_folder)):
if re.search(r'^trace\d+\.trc$', filename):
trace_filenames.append('{}/output/traces/{}'.format(self.elmo_folder, filename))
if len(trace_filenames) >= nb_traces:
assert len(trace_filenames) == nb_traces
results = trace_filenames
if not only_filenames:
for i in range(len(results)):
with open(results[i], 'r') as _file:
if indexes is not None:
results[i] = list(map(float, _file.readlines()[indexes]))
results[i] = list(map(float, _file.readlines()))
if only_filenames and self.has_been_online:
raise Exception('Impossible to get the filenames for an online execution')
if only_filenames or self._complete_results is None:
trace_filenames = []
for filename in os.listdir('{}/output/traces/'.format(self.elmo_folder)):
if re.search(r'^trace\d+\.trc$', filename):
trace_filenames.append('{}/output/traces/{}'.format(self.elmo_folder, filename))
if len(trace_filenames) >= nb_traces:
assert len(trace_filenames) == nb_traces
if only_filenames:
return reorganise(trace_filenames) if reorganise is not None else trace_filenames
self._complete_results = []
for filename in trace_filenames:
with open(filename, 'r') as _file:
self._complete_results.append(list(map(float, _file.readlines())))
results = self._complete_results
if indexes is not None:
for i in range(len(self._complete_results)):
results[i] = results[i][indexes]
if reorganise is not None:
results = reorganise(results)
return results
def get_traces(self, reorganise=None, indexes=None):
results = self.get_results(only_filenames=False, reorganise=reorganise,indexes=indexes)
results = self.get_results(only_filenames=False, reorganise=reorganise, indexes=indexes)
nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces()
trace_length = len(results[0])
@@ -181,21 +215,25 @@ class SimulationProject:
traces = np.zeros((nb_traces, trace_length))
for i in range(nb_traces):
traces[i,:] = results[i]
if reorganise is not None:
traces = reorganise(traces)
return traces
### Manipulate the Printed Data
def get_printed_data(self):
with open('{}/output/printdata.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'r') as _file:
data = list(map(lambda x: int(x, 16), _file.readlines()))
if self._complete_printed_data is None:
with open('{}/output/printdata.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'r') as _file:
self._complete_printed_data = list(map(lambda x: int(x, 16), _file.readlines()))
data = self._complete_printed_data
nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces()
nb_data_per_trace = len(data) // nb_traces
return [data[nb_data_per_trace*i:nb_data_per_trace*(i+1)] for i in range(nb_traces)]
### Other
def analyse_operands(self, num_line, num_trace=1):
num_str = str(num_trace)
num_str = '0'*(5-len(num_str)) + num_str

+ 3
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protocol.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ class SocketTool:
data = json.dumps(data)
data = data.encode('utf-8')
s.send(cl.convert_to_bytes(len(data))) # has to be 4 bytes
for i in range(0, len(data), 1024*64):
def get_data(cl, s):
@@ -69,11 +70,7 @@ class SocketTool:
exception_class = json.decoder.JSONDecodeError if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)) else ValueError
size = s.recv(4)
if not size:
return None
size = cl.bytes_to_number(size)
data = s.recv(size)
data = cl.get_file(s)
data = data.decode('utf-8')
data = json.loads(data)
return data

+ 5
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run_server.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from .servicethread import ListeningThread
from .executorthread import ExecutorThread
from servicethread import ListeningThread
from executorthread import ExecutorThread
def do_main_program(projects):
def do_main_program():
global thread, stop
thread = ListeningThread('localhost', 5000, ExecutorThread, projects=projects)
thread = ListeningThread('localhost', 5000, ExecutorThread)
def program_cleanup(signum, frame):
@@ -14,15 +14,9 @@ def program_cleanup(signum, frame):
thread = None
stop = False
# Information
from .manage import search_simulations
projects = {sc.get_project_label(): sc for sc in search_simulations_in_module().values()}
print('Available module projects: %s' % list(projects.keys()))
# Execute
print("Done ! And now, listening...")
import signal

+ 2
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servicethread.py Просмотреть файл

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import threading
from protocol import Protocol, ClosureException
import socket
class ServiceThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
