- #include <vector>
- #include "analysis.h"
- #include "ParameterOptimizer.h"
- using namespace std;
- class ProbaOptimizer : public ParameterOptimizer {
- public:
- ProbaOptimizer(int initial_n, std::default_random_engine& randomizer) : ParameterOptimizer(randomizer), m_initial_n{initial_n} {};
- SearchHeuristic* get_context(unsigned int i, double parameter, std::default_random_engine& randomizer) {
- EA* algo = new EA(1, 1, PLUS, parameter, randomizer);
- MasterMind* mm = new MasterMind(m_initial_n+i, m_initial_n+i, randomizer);
- algo->set_problem(mm);
- return algo;
- }
- virtual std::string display_context(unsigned int context) {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "n=" << context+m_initial_n;
- return ss.str();
- }
- std::string get_context_for_csvfile(unsigned int num_context) {
- return std::to_string(m_initial_n+num_context);
- }
- private:
- int m_initial_n;
- };
- void optimal_proba_vmath3(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double p_init=0.05, double p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01, vector<int> nb_tests_by_depth={}, vector<double> stq_by_depth={}) {
- ProbaOptimizer po(n_initial, randomizer);
- po.set_nb_contexts(n_final-n_initial);
- po.set_study_interval(p_init, p_final, p_step);
- for(int depth=0; depth<nb_tests_by_depth.size(); depth++)
- po.add_test_wave(nb_tests_by_depth[depth], stq_by_depth[depth], depth);
- po.run();
- }
- void script_optimal_proba(std::default_random_engine& randomizer) {
- std::string namefile = "optimal-proba.csv";
- {
- int n_init=3, n_final=16;
- double p_init=0.05, p_final=0.5, p_step=0.01;
- ProbaOptimizer po(n_init, randomizer);
- po.set_nb_contexts(n_final-n_init);
- po.set_study_interval(p_init, p_final, p_step);
- po.add_test_wave(20, 2.3362421597, 0);
- po.add_test_wave(200, 2.3451370823, 1);
- po.add_test_wave(2000, 2.2953981367, 2);
- po.save_run(namefile);
- po.run();
- }
- {
- int n_init=16, n_final=28;
- double p_init=0.03, p_final=0.2, p_step=0.01;
- ProbaOptimizer po(n_init, randomizer);
- po.set_nb_contexts(n_final-n_init);
- po.set_study_interval(p_init, p_final, p_step);
- po.add_test_wave(20, 2.6742086844, 0);
- po.add_test_wave(100, 2.4755765532, 1);
- po.add_test_wave(1000, 2.4365960683, 2);
- po.save_run(namefile);
- po.run();
- }
- {
- int n_init=28, n_final=46;
- double p_init=0.01, p_final=0.1, p_step=0.005;
- ProbaOptimizer po(n_init, randomizer);
- po.set_nb_contexts(n_final-n_init);
- po.set_study_interval(p_init, p_final, p_step);
- po.add_test_wave(20, 2.6742086844, 0);
- po.add_test_wave(100, 2.4755765532, 1);
- po.add_test_wave(1000, 2.4365960683, 2);
- po.save_run(namefile);
- po.run();
- }
- }
- vector<ConfidenceInterval> optimal_proba_vmath2(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double p_init=0.05, double p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01, int nb_tests=10, double student_law_quartile=-1, bool displaying=true) {
- int nb_diff_proba = floor((p_final-p_init)/p_step);
- // Initialize result file
- ofstream probafile("probas-vmath.csv");
- probafile << "n;";
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- probafile << p_init+i*p_step << ";";
- probafile << endl;
- vector<ConfidenceInterval> res;
- for(int n=n_initial; n<n_final; n++) {
- auto start_n = start_chrono();
- Statistic stats[nb_diff_proba];
- double thresold = 0;
- // Realize the experiences
- for(int ind=0; ind<nb_diff_proba; ind++) {
- double p = p_init+ind*p_step;
- EA algo(1, 1, PLUS, p, randomizer);
- MasterMind mm(n, n, randomizer);
- algo.set_problem(&mm);
- stats[ind] = avg_calls(&algo, nb_tests, -1, student_law_quartile);
- double potential_thresold = stats[ind].average + stats[ind].alea;
- if(ind == 0 || thresold > potential_thresold)
- thresold = potential_thresold;
- auto stop_loop = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_loop = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_loop);
- if(displaying) cout << '\r' << "n=" << n << ", p=" << p << "... executed in " << elapsed_milliseconds_loop/1000. << " s";
- }
- // Calculate the confidence interval of 95%
- if(displaying) cout << '\r' << "n=" << n << ". Thresold=" << thresold << ". Keep best... ";
- int min_possible = -1;
- int max_possible = -1;
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++) {
- double min_bound = stats[i].average - stats[i].alea;
- if(min_possible < 0 && min_bound < thresold)
- min_possible = i;
- if(min_bound < thresold)
- max_possible = i;
- }
- double pmin = p_init+min_possible*p_step;
- double pmax = p_init+max_possible*p_step;
- // Store the results in a file
- probafile << n << ";";
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++) {
- probafile << "("<<pmin<<","<<pmax<<")" << ";";
- }
- probafile << endl;
- auto stop_n = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_n = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_n);
- if(displaying) cout << "Interval=[" << pmin << ", " << pmax << "]" << endl;
- if(displaying) cout << "... executed in " << elapsed_milliseconds_n/1000. << " seconds ";
- if(displaying) cout << "with " << nb_tests*nb_diff_proba << " resolutions" << endl;
- ConfidenceInterval ci(pmin, -1, pmax);
- res.push_back(ci);
- }
- return res;
- }
- vector<ConfidenceInterval> optimal_proba_vmath2_rec(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double base_p_init=0.05, double base_p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01, vector<int> nb_tests_by_depth={}, vector<double> stq_by_depth={}) {
- vector<ConfidenceInterval> res;
- for(int n=n_initial; n<n_final; n++) {
- cout << "STUDY N=" << n << ":" << endl;
- vector<ConfidenceInterval> cis;
- int nb_tests = 0;
- for(unsigned int depth=0; depth<nb_tests_by_depth.size(); depth++) {
- double p_init = (depth == 0) ? base_p_init : cis[0].down-p_step/pow(2, depth-1);
- double p_final = (depth == 0) ? base_p_final : cis[0].up+p_step/depth;
- cout << " - depth=" << depth+1 << ": ";
- cis = optimal_proba_vmath2(n, n+1, randomizer, p_init, p_final, p_step/pow(2, depth), nb_tests_by_depth[depth], stq_by_depth[depth], false);
- nb_tests += nb_tests_by_depth[depth];
- cout << "["<< cis[0].down <<","<< cis[0].up <<"]" << endl;
- }
- res.push_back(cis[0]);
- ofstream probafile("probas-vmath-rec.csv", ios::app);
- probafile << n << ";" << cis[0].down << ";" << cis[0].up << ";" << 1./cis[0].up << ";" << 1./cis[0].down << ";" << nb_tests << endl;
- }
- return res;
- }
- double calculate_up_bound(double x, int nb) {
- return (x + 2./nb + sqrt(4./nb * (x - pow(x, 2) + 1./nb))) / (1. + 4./nb);
- }
- double calculate_down_bound(double x, int nb) {
- return (x + 2./nb - sqrt(4./nb * (x - pow(x, 2) + 1./nb))) / (1. + 4./nb);
- }
- void optimal_proba_vmath(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double p_init=0.05, double p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01, int nb_loops=1000) {
- int nb_diff_proba = floor((p_final-p_init)/p_step);
- int nb_tests = 10;
- // Initialize result file
- ofstream probafile("probas-vmath.csv");
- probafile << "n;";
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- probafile << p_init+i*p_step << ";";
- probafile << endl;
- for(int n=n_initial; n<n_final; n++) {
- auto start_n = start_chrono();
- int nb_best[nb_diff_proba] = {0};
- int nb_solved_problems = 0;
- // Realize the experiences
- int old_min_ind = 0;
- int max_min_ind = 0;
- for(int num_loop=1; num_loop<nb_loops; num_loop++) {
- double min_avg = -1;
- int min_ind;
- // Realize the experience once
- for(int ind2=-1; ind2<nb_diff_proba; ind2++) {
- if(ind2 == old_min_ind) continue;
- int ind = (ind2 >= 0) ? ind2 : old_min_ind;
- double p = p_init+ind*p_step;
- EA algo(1, 1, PLUS, p, randomizer);
- MasterMind mm(n, n, randomizer);
- algo.set_problem(&mm);
- Statistic stat = avg_calls(&algo, nb_tests, min_avg+1);
- nb_solved_problems += stat.nb;
- double avg_nb_calls = stat.average;
- if(min_avg < 0 || min_avg > avg_nb_calls) {
- min_avg = avg_nb_calls;
- min_ind = ind;
- }
- }
- // Store the result of the experience
- nb_best[min_ind]++;
- if(nb_best[min_ind] > nb_best[max_min_ind])
- max_min_ind = min_ind;
- old_min_ind = min_ind;
- // Display temporary results
- auto stop_loop = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_loop = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_loop);
- cout << "\r";
- cout << "n=" << n << ", num_loop=" << num_loop << ": ";
- cout << p_init+max_min_ind*p_step << " (" << nb_best[max_min_ind] << "), ";
- cout << "executed in " <<elapsed_milliseconds_loop/1000. << " seconds [" << nb_solved_problems << "]";
- cout << " ";
- }
- // Display the global distribution
- cout << '\r' << "===== Graph ==== " << endl;
- for(int j=9; j>=0; j--) {
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++) {
- double pourcent = (double) nb_best[i]/nb_best[max_min_ind];
- cout << ((pourcent >= j/10.) ? '#' : ' ');
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- // Calculate the confidence interval of 95%
- double pbest = p_init+max_min_ind*p_step;
- double x = (double) nb_best[max_min_ind]/nb_loops;
- cout << "x=" << x << ',' << nb_loops << ',' << nb_best[max_min_ind] << endl;
- double up_bound = calculate_up_bound(x, nb_loops);
- double down_bound = calculate_down_bound(x, nb_loops);
- cout << "\\mu_{p_best} \\in [" << down_bound << ", " << up_bound << "]" << endl;
- cout << "Keep best..." << endl;
- int min_possible = -1;
- int max_possible = -1;
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++) {
- double measured = (double) nb_best[i]/nb_loops;
- double max_bound = calculate_up_bound(measured, nb_loops);
- if(min_possible < 0 && max_bound >= down_bound)
- min_possible = i;
- if(max_bound >= down_bound)
- max_possible = i;
- }
- double pmin = p_init+min_possible*p_step;
- double pmax = p_init+max_possible*p_step;
- // Store the results in a file
- probafile << n << ";";
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++) {
- probafile << "("<<pmin<<","<<pbest<<","<<pmax<<")" << ";";
- }
- probafile << endl;
- auto stop_n = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_n = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_n);
- cout << "n=" << n << ": We are sure at 95% that it is in [" << pmin << ", " << pmax << "], with p_best=" << pbest << "." << endl;
- cout << "... executed in " << elapsed_milliseconds_n/1000. << " seconds ";
- cout << "with " << nb_solved_problems << " resolutions";
- for(int u=0; u<3; u++)
- Beep(1568, 200);
- //delete[] nb_best;
- }
- }
- /// Bellow, it is just some tests of algorithm...
- struct Weight {
- Weight() : Weight(0) {};
- Weight(double w) {
- weight = w;
- nb_executed = 0;
- nb_best = 0;
- }
- double weight;
- int nb_executed;
- int nb_best;
- };
- void optimal_proba_v2(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double p_init=0.05, double p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01, int depth_initial=8) {
- int nb_diff_proba = floor((p_final-p_init)/p_step);
- double initial_value = 50;
- int nb_test = 20;
- double zero_limit = 2/3.;
- double pa = -1./(pow(zero_limit, 2)-2*zero_limit+1);
- double pb = -2*pa;
- double pc = 1+pa;
- ofstream probafile("probas.csv");
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- probafile << p_init+i*p_step << ";";
- probafile << endl;
- for(int n=n_initial; n<n_final; n++) {
- auto start_n = start_chrono();
- Weight* tab = new Weight[nb_diff_proba];
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- tab[i].weight = initial_value;
- double max_weight = initial_value;
- int max_weight_ind_proba = 0;
- double second_weight = initial_value;
- int second_weight_ind_proba = 1;
- int nb_solved_problems = 0;
- for(int depth=depth_initial; depth>0; depth/=2) {
- double start_with_weight = max_weight;
- for(int num_loop=1; second_weight + 2*initial_value > max_weight && max_weight < 20*initial_value+start_with_weight; num_loop++) {
- int nb_new_problems = 0;
- for(int k=0; k<20; k++) {
- double min_avg = -1;
- double min_proba;
- for(int ind2=-2; ind2<nb_diff_proba; ind2++) {
- if(ind2 == max_weight_ind_proba || ind2 == second_weight_ind_proba) continue;
- int ind = (ind2 >= 0) ? ind2 : ((ind2 == -2) ? max_weight_ind_proba: second_weight_ind_proba);
- if(ind % depth != 0) continue;
- double p = p_init+ind*p_step;
- double weight = tab[ind].weight;
- double execution_proba = weight/max_weight;
- if(ind-depth >= 0 && ind+depth < nb_diff_proba)
- execution_proba = ((tab[ind-depth].weight+weight+tab[ind+depth].weight)/3)/max_weight;
- else if(ind-depth >= 0)
- execution_proba = ((tab[ind-depth].weight + weight)/2)/max_weight;
- else if(ind+depth < nb_diff_proba)
- execution_proba = ((weight + tab[ind+depth].weight)/2)/max_weight;
- execution_proba = (2*execution_proba > 1) ? pa*pow(execution_proba, 2)+pb*execution_proba+pc : 0;
- std::bernoulli_distribution distribution(execution_proba);
- if(distribution(randomizer)) {
- tab[ind].nb_executed++;
- EA algo(1, 1, PLUS, p, randomizer);
- MasterMind mm(n, n, randomizer);
- algo.set_problem(&mm);
- Statistic stat = avg_calls(&algo, nb_test, min_avg+1);
- double avg = stat.average;
- if(min_avg < 0 || min_avg > avg) {
- min_avg = avg;
- min_proba = p;
- }
- nb_new_problems += stat.nb;
- }
- }
- int ind_p = round((min_proba - p_init)/p_step);
- tab[ind_p].weight++;
- if(tab[ind_p].weight > max_weight) {
- max_weight = tab[ind_p].weight;
- max_weight_ind_proba = ind_p;
- }
- tab[max_weight_ind_proba].nb_best++;
- }
- auto stop_loop = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_loop = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_loop);
- second_weight = -1;
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- if(i != max_weight_ind_proba)
- if(second_weight < 0 || second_weight < tab[i].weight) {
- second_weight = tab[i].weight;
- second_weight_ind_proba = i;
- }
- nb_solved_problems += nb_new_problems;
- cout << "\r";
- cout << "n=" << n << ", depth=" << depth << ", num_loop=" << num_loop << ": ";
- cout << p_init+max_weight_ind_proba*p_step << " (" << max_weight << "), ";
- cout << p_init+second_weight_ind_proba*p_step << " (" << second_weight << "), ";
- cout << "executed in " <<elapsed_milliseconds_loop/1000. << " seconds [.+" << nb_new_problems << "=" << nb_solved_problems << "]";
- cout << " ";
- }
- int fdepth = depth / 2;
- if(fdepth) {
- for(int ind=0; ind<nb_diff_proba; ind++) {
- if(ind%depth != 0 && ind%fdepth == 0) {
- if(ind+fdepth<nb_diff_proba)
- tab[ind].weight = max(tab[ind-fdepth].weight, tab[ind+fdepth].weight);
- else
- tab[ind].weight = tab[ind-fdepth].weight;
- }
- }
- second_weight = max_weight;
- }
- }
- double p_best = p_init+max_weight_ind_proba*p_step;
- double mean = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- mean += tab[i].nb_executed ? ((double) tab[i].nb_best/tab[i].nb_executed) * (p_init+i*p_step) : 0;
- double stddev = 0;
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- stddev += tab[i].nb_executed ? ((double) tab[i].nb_best/tab[i].nb_executed) * pow(p_init+i*p_step, 2) : 0;
- stddev -= pow(mean, 2);
- cout << '%' << mean << "," << stddev << endl;
- stddev = sqrt(stddev);
- for(int i=0; i<nb_diff_proba; i++)
- probafile << (tab[i].nb_executed ? ((double) tab[i].nb_best/tab[i].nb_executed) * pow(p_init+i*p_step, 2) : 0) << ";";
- probafile << endl;
- auto stop_n = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds_n = interval_chrono(start_n, stop_n);
- cout << '\r' << "n=" << n << ", p_best=" << p_best << " (" << stddev << "), ";
- cout << "executed in " << elapsed_milliseconds_n/1000. << " seconds ";
- cout << "with " << nb_solved_problems << " resolutions";
- cout << " " << endl;
- // for(int u=0; u<3; u++)
- // Beep(1568, 200);
- delete[] tab;
- }
- }
- void optimal_proba(int n_initial, int n_final, std::default_random_engine& randomizer, double p_init=0.05, double p_final=0.5, double p_step=0.01) {
- for(int n=n_initial; n<n_final; n++) {
- vector<double> avg_list;
- vector<double> probas;
- auto start = start_chrono();
- for(double p=p_init; p<p_final; p+=p_step) {
- EA algo(1, 1, PLUS, p, randomizer);
- MasterMind mm(n, n, randomizer);
- algo.set_problem(&mm);
- Statistic stat = avg_calls(&algo);
- double avg = stat.average;
- avg_list.push_back(avg);
- probas.push_back(p);
- }
- auto stop = stop_chrono();
- int elapsed_milliseconds = interval_chrono(start, stop);
- int min_ind = 0;
- for(unsigned int i=1; i<avg_list.size(); i++)
- if(avg_list[min_ind] > avg_list[i])
- min_ind = i;
- double p_best = probas[min_ind];
- cout << "n=" << n << ": " << p_best << " in " << elapsed_milliseconds/1000. << " seconds " << "(" << 100*floor((p_final-p_init)/p_step) << " problems)" << endl;
- }
- }