import os, re import numpy as np from .config import MODULE_PATH, ELMO_TOOL_REPOSITORY from .utils import write class SimulationProject: # TAG: EXCLUDE-FROM-SIMULATION-SEARCH """ Class to manage a simultion It contains all the parameters of the simulation and has method to use it """ _nb_bits_for_nb_challenges = 16 _project_directory = None ### Define the project @classmethod def get_project_directory(cl): """ """ if cl._project_directory: return cl._project_directory else: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def set_project_directory(cl, project_directory): cl._project_directory = project_directory @classmethod def get_project_label(cl): return cl.get_project_directory() @classmethod def get_make_directory(cl): return '' @classmethod def get_binary_path(cl): raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def get_parameters_names(cl): return set() def get_challenge_format(self): raise NotImplementedError() ### Tools to realize the simulation of the project def __init__(self, challenges=None): self.elmo_folder = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, ELMO_TOOL_REPOSITORY) self.challenges = challenges self.reset() def reset(self): self.is_executed = False self.has_been_online = False self._complete_asmtrace = None self._complete_results = None self._complete_printed_data = None def get_test_challenges(self): raise NotImplementedError() def get_random_challenges(self, nb_challenges): raise NotImplementedError() def set_challenges(self, challenges): self.challenges = challenges def get_writable_input_file(self): return open('{}/input.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'w') def set_input_for_each_challenge(self, input, challenge): format = self.get_challenge_format() def aux(sizes, data): if len(sizes) == 0: write(input, data) else: assert len(data) == sizes[0], 'Incorrect format for challenge. Get {} instead of {}'.format(len(data), sizes[0]) for i in range(sizes[0]): aux(sizes[1:], data[i]) for num_part in range(len(format)): aux(format[num_part], challenge[num_part]) def set_input(self, input): if self.challenges: assert len(self.challenges) < (1 << self._nb_bits_for_nb_challenges), \ 'The number of challenges must be strictly lower than {}. Currently, there are {} challenges.'.format( 1 << self._nb_bits_for_nb_challenges, len(self.challenges), ) write(input, len(self.challenges), nb_bits=self._nb_bits_for_nb_challenges) for challenge in self.challenges: self.set_input_for_each_challenge(input, challenge) def run(self): self.reset() with open('{}/input.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'w') as _input: self.set_input(_input) from .manage import execute_simulation res = execute_simulation(self) self.is_executed = True self.has_been_online = False return res def run_online(self, host='localhost', port=5000): from .server.protocol import SocketTool import socket class TempInput: def __init__(self): self._buffer = '' def write(self, data): self._buffer += data def get_string(self): return self._buffer self.reset() input = TempInput() self.set_input(input) try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) SocketTool.send_data(s, { 'input': input.get_string(), }) if not SocketTool.get_ack(s): raise RuntimeError("NACK received: The request has been refused!") SocketTool.send_file(s, '{}/{}'.format(self.get_project_directory(), self.get_binary_path())) if not SocketTool.get_ack(s): raise RuntimeError("NACK received: The binary file has been refused!") data = SocketTool.get_data(s) if data['error']: raise Exception("The simulation returned an error: {}".format(data['error'])) s.close() except IOError as err: raise RuntimeError("The connection refused. Has the ELMO server been switch on?") from err self.is_executed = True self.has_been_online = True self._complete_asmtrace = data['asmtrace'] self._complete_results = data['results'] self._complete_printed_data = data['printed_data'] return { key: value for key, value in data.items() if key not in ['results', 'asmtrace', 'printed_data'] } ### Manipulate the ASM trace def get_asmtrace_filename(self): return '{}/output/asmoutput/asmtrace00001.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder) def get_asmtrace(self): if self._complete_asmtrace is None: with open(self.get_asmtrace_filename(), 'r') as _file: self._complete_asmtrace = ''.join(_file.readlines()) return self._complete_asmtrace.split('\n') def get_indexes_of(self, condition): return [i for i, instr in enumerate(self.get_asmtrace()) if condition(instr)] ### Manipulate the results def get_number_of_traces(self): return len(self.challenges) def get_results(self, only_filenames=False, reorganise=None, indexes=None): assert self.is_executed nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces() if only_filenames and self.has_been_online: raise Exception('Impossible to get the filenames for an online execution') if only_filenames or self._complete_results is None: trace_filenames = [] for filename in os.listdir('{}/output/traces/'.format(self.elmo_folder)): if'^trace\d+\.trc$', filename): trace_filenames.append('{}/output/traces/{}'.format(self.elmo_folder, filename)) if len(trace_filenames) >= nb_traces: break assert len(trace_filenames) == nb_traces if only_filenames: return reorganise(trace_filenames) if reorganise is not None else trace_filenames self._complete_results = [] for filename in trace_filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as _file: self._complete_results.append(list(map(float, _file.readlines()))) results = self._complete_results if indexes is not None: for i in range(len(self._complete_results)): results[i] = results[i][indexes] if reorganise is not None: results = reorganise(results) return results def get_traces(self, reorganise=None, indexes=None): results = self.get_results(only_filenames=False, reorganise=reorganise, indexes=indexes) nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces() trace_length = len(results[0]) traces = np.zeros((nb_traces, trace_length)) for i in range(nb_traces): traces[i,:] = results[i] if reorganise is not None: traces = reorganise(traces) return traces ### Manipulate the Printed Data def get_printed_data(self): if self._complete_printed_data is None: with open('{}/output/printdata.txt'.format(self.elmo_folder), 'r') as _file: self._complete_printed_data = list(map(lambda x: int(x, 16), _file.readlines())) data = self._complete_printed_data nb_traces = self.get_number_of_traces() nb_data_per_trace = len(data) // nb_traces return [data[nb_data_per_trace*i:nb_data_per_trace*(i+1)] for i in range(nb_traces)] ### Other def analyse_operands(self, num_line, num_trace=1): num_str = str(num_trace) num_str = '0'*(5-len(num_str)) + num_str operands_filename = self.elmo_folder + '/output/operands/operands{}.txt'.format(num_str) trace_filename = self.elmo_folder + '/output/traces/trace0000{}.trc'.format(num_trace) is_multiple = (type(num_line) is list) if not is_multiple: num_line = [num_line] output = [{}]*len(num_line) with open(operands_filename, 'r') as _file: lines = _file.readlines() for i, num in enumerate(num_line): line = lines[num].split() data = list(map(int, line[0:7])) output[i]['previous'] = data[0:2] output[i]['current'] = data[2:4] output[i]['triplet'] = data[4:7] output[i]['other'] = list(map(float, line[7:])) with open(trace_filename, 'r') as _file: lines = _file.readlines() for i, num in enumerate(num_line): line = lines[num] output[i]['power'] = float(line) return output if is_multiple else output[0]