- from numpy.random import choice as np_random_choice
- from numpy.linalg import slogdet, qr, cholesky
- from numpy import array
- from math import pi, exp
- print_style = {'SUCCESS': '\x1b[1;37;42m',
- 'FAILURE': '\x1b[1;37;41m',
- 'REJECT': '\x1b[3;31m',
- 'ACCEPT': '\x1b[3;32m',
- 'VALUE': '\x1b[1;33m',
- 'DATA': '\x1b[3;34m',
- 'WARNING': '\x1b[6;30;43m',
- 'ACTION': '\x1b[1;37m',
- 'HEADER': '\x1b[4;37m',
- 'NORMAL': '\x1b[0m',
- }
- def logging(message, style='NORMAL', newline=True):
- if style is not None:
- print(print_style[style], end=' ')
- print(message, end=' ')
- if newline:
- print('\x1b[0m')
- else:
- print('\x1b[0m', end=' ')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def hint_to_string(v, l=None, lit="u", max_coeffs=5):
- s = ""
- count = 0
- for i in range(v.ncols()):
- x = v[0][i]
- if x == 0:
- continue
- count += 1
- if count > max_coeffs:
- s += "+ ... "
- break
- if x == 1:
- if count == 1:
- s += "%s%d " % (lit, i)
- else:
- s += "+ %s%d " % (lit, i)
- elif x == -1:
- s += "- %s%d " % (lit, i)
- elif x > 0 and count == 1:
- s += "%s*%s%d " % (str(x), lit, i)
- elif x > 0:
- s += "+ %s*%s%d " % (str(x), lit, i)
- else:
- s += "- %s*%s%d " % (str(-x), lit, i)
- if l is not None:
- s += "= %s" % str(l)
- return s
- # Vectors will consistently be represented as 1*n matrices
- def vec(x):
- # Is this a 2-dim object, with only one row
- try:
- x[0][0]
- try:
- x[1]
- except:
- return matrix(x)
- raise ValueError(
- " The object has more than one line: can't convert to vec.")
- except:
- # Then it should be a 1 dim object
- return matrix([x])
- def mat(x):
- return matrix(x)
- # Convert a 1*1 matrix into a scalar
- def scal(M):
- assert M.nrows() == 1 and M.ncols() == 1, "This doesn't seem to be a scalar."
- return M[0, 0]
- def average_variance(D):
- mu = 0.
- s = 0.
- for (v, p) in D.items():
- mu += v * p
- s += v * v * p
- s -= mu * mu
- return round_to_rational(mu), round_to_rational(s)
- def canonical_vec(dimension, index):
- """Returns the vector [0,0 ... 0] with
- a 1 in a specific index
- :dimension: integer
- :index: integer
- """
- v = [0 for _ in range(dimension)]
- v[index] = 1
- return vec(v)
- def is_canonical_direction(v):
- """ Test wether the vector has a cannonical direction, and returns
- its index and length if so, else None, None.
- """
- nz = [x != 0 for x in v]
- if sum(nz) != 1:
- return None
- i = nz.index(True)
- return i
- def round_matrix_to_rational(M):
- A = matrix(ZZ, (ROUNDING_FACTOR * matrix(M)).apply_map(round))
- return matrix(QQ, A / ROUNDING_FACTOR)
- def round_vector_to_rational(v):
- A = vec(ZZ, (ROUNDING_FACTOR * vec(v)).apply_map(round))
- return vec(QQ, A / ROUNDING_FACTOR)
- def round_to_rational(x):
- A = ZZ(round(x * ROUNDING_FACTOR))
- def concatenate(L1, L2=None):
- """
- concatenate vecs
- """
- if L2 is None:
- return vec(sum([list(vec(x)[0]) for x in L1], []))
- return vec(list(vec(L1)[0]) + list(vec(L2)[0]))
- def draw_from_distribution(D):
- """draw an element from the distribution D
- :D: distribution in a dictionnary form
- """
- X = np_random_choice([key for key in D.keys()],
- 1, replace=True,
- p=[float(prob) for prob in D.values()])
- return X[0]
- def GH_sv_factor_squared(k):
- return ((pi * k)**(1. / k) * k / (2. * pi * e))
- def compute_delta(k):
- """Computes delta from the block size k. Interpolation from the following
- data table:
- Source : https://bitbucket.org/malb/lwe-estimator/
- src/9302d4204b4f4f8ceec521231c4ca62027596337/estima
- tor.py?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
- :k: integer
- estimator.py table:
- """
- small = {0: 1e20, 1: 1e20, 2: 1.021900, 3: 1.020807, 4: 1.019713, 5: 1.018620,
- 6: 1.018128, 7: 1.017636, 8: 1.017144, 9: 1.016652, 10: 1.016160,
- 11: 1.015898, 12: 1.015636, 13: 1.015374, 14: 1.015112, 15: 1.014850,
- 16: 1.014720, 17: 1.014590, 18: 1.014460, 19: 1.014330, 20: 1.014200,
- 21: 1.014044, 22: 1.013888, 23: 1.013732, 24: 1.013576, 25: 1.013420,
- 26: 1.013383, 27: 1.013347, 28: 1.013310, 29: 1.013253, 30: 1.013197,
- 31: 1.013140, 32: 1.013084, 33: 1.013027, 34: 1.012970, 35: 1.012914,
- 36: 1.012857, 37: 1.012801, 38: 1.012744, 39: 1.012687, 40: 1.012631,
- 41: 1.012574, 42: 1.012518, 43: 1.012461, 44: 1.012404, 45: 1.012348,
- 46: 1.012291, 47: 1.012235, 48: 1.012178, 49: 1.012121, 50: 1.012065}
- if k != round(k):
- x = k - floor(k)
- d1 = compute_delta(floor(x))
- d2 = compute_delta(floor(x) + 1)
- return x * d2 + (1 - x) * d1
- k = int(k)
- if k < 50:
- return small[k]
- else:
- delta = GH_sv_factor_squared(k)**(1. / (2. * k - 2.))
- return delta.n()
- def bkzgsa_gso_len(logvol, i, d, beta=None, delta=None):
- if delta is None:
- delta = compute_delta(beta)
- return RR(delta**(d - 1 - 2 * i) * exp(logvol / d))
- rk = [0.789527997160000, 0.780003183804613, 0.750872218594458, 0.706520454592593, 0.696345241018901, 0.660533841808400, 0.626274718790505, 0.581480717333169, 0.553171463433503, 0.520811087419712, 0.487994338534253, 0.459541470573431, 0.414638319529319, 0.392811729940846, 0.339090376264829, 0.306561491936042, 0.276041187709516, 0.236698863270441, 0.196186341673080, 0.161214212092249, 0.110895134828114, 0.0678261623920553, 0.0272807162335610, -
- 0.0234609979600137, -0.0320527224746912, -0.0940331032784437, -0.129109087817554, -0.176965384290173, -0.209405754915959, -0.265867993276493, -0.299031324494802, -0.349338597048432, -0.380428160303508, -0.427399405474537, -0.474944677694975, -0.530140672818150, -0.561625221138784, -0.612008793872032, -0.669011014635905, -0.713766731570930, -0.754041787011810, -0.808609696192079, -0.859933249032210, -0.884479963601658, -0.886666930030433]
- simBKZ_c = [None] + [rk[-i] - sum(rk[-i:]) / i for i in range(1, 46)]
- pruning_proba = .5
- simBKZ_c += [RR(log(GH_sv_factor_squared(d)) / 2. -
- log(pruning_proba) / d) / log(2.) for d in range(46, 1000)]
- def simBKZ(l, beta, tours=1, c=simBKZ_c):
- n = len(l)
- l2 = copy(vector(RR, l))
- for k in range(n - 1):
- d = min(beta, n - k)
- f = k + d
- logV = sum(l2[k:f])
- lma = logV / d + c[d]
- if lma >= l2[k]:
- continue
- diff = l2[k] - lma
- l2[k] -= diff
- for a in range(k + 1, f):
- l2[a] += diff / (f - k - 1)
- return l2
- chisquared_table = {i: None for i in range(1000)}
- for i in range(1000):
- chisquared_table[i] = RealDistribution('chisquared', i)
- def conditional_chi_squared(d1, d2, lt, l2):
- """
- Probability that a gaussian sample (var=1) of dim d1+d2 has length at most
- lt knowing that the d2 first cordinates have length at most l2
- """
- D1 = chisquared_table[d1].cum_distribution_function
- D2 = chisquared_table[d2].cum_distribution_function
- l2 = RR(l2)
- PE2 = D2(l2)
- steps = 5 * (d1 + d2)
- # Numerical computation of the integral
- proba = 0.
- for i in range(steps)[::-1]:
- l2_min = i * l2 / steps
- l2_mid = (i + .5) * l2 / steps
- l2_max = (i + 1) * l2 / steps
- PC2 = (D2(l2_max) - D2(l2_min)) / PE2
- PE1 = D1(lt - l2_mid)
- proba += PC2 * PE1
- return proba
- def compute_beta_delta(d, logvol, tours=1, interpolate=True, probabilistic=False):
- """
- Computes the beta value for given dimension and volumes
- It is assumed that the instance has been normalized and sphericized,
- i.e. that the covariance matrices of the secret is the identity
- :d: integer
- :vol: float
- """
- bbeta = None
- pprev_margin = None
- # Keep increasing beta to be sure to catch the second intersection
- if not probabilistic:
- for beta in range(2, d):
- lhs = RR(sqrt(beta))
- rhs = bkzgsa_gso_len(logvol, d - beta, d, beta=beta)
- if lhs < rhs and bbeta is None:
- margin = rhs / lhs
- prev_margin = pprev_margin
- bbeta = beta
- if lhs > rhs:
- bbeta = None
- pprev_margin = rhs / lhs
- if bbeta is None:
- return 9999, 0
- ddelta = compute_delta(bbeta) * margin**(1. / d)
- if prev_margin is not None and interpolate:
- beta_low = log(margin) / (log(margin) - log(prev_margin))
- else:
- beta_low = 0
- assert beta_low >= 0
- assert beta_low <= 1
- return bbeta - beta_low, ddelta
- else:
- remaining_proba = 1.
- average_beta = 0.
- delta = compute_delta(2)
- l = [log(bkzgsa_gso_len(logvol, i, d, delta=delta)) / log(2)
- for i in range(d)]
- for beta in range(2, d):
- for t in range(tours):
- l = simBKZ(l, beta, 1)
- proba = 1.
- delta = compute_delta(beta)
- i = d - beta
- proba *= chisquared_table[beta].cum_distribution_function(
- 2**(2 * l[i]))
- for j in range(2, int(d / beta + 1)):
- i = d - j * (beta - 1) - 1
- xt = 2**(2 * l[i])
- if j > 1:
- x2 = 2**(2 * l[i + (beta - 1)])
- d2 = d - i + (beta - 1)
- proba *= conditional_chi_squared(beta - 1, d2, xt, x2)
- average_beta += beta * remaining_proba * proba
- remaining_proba *= 1. - proba
- if remaining_proba < .001:
- average_beta += beta * remaining_proba
- break
- if remaining_proba > .01:
- raise ValueError("This instance may be unsolvable")
- ddelta = compute_delta(average_beta)
- return average_beta, ddelta
- def block4(A, B, C, D):
- return block_matrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
- def build_LWE_lattice(A, q):
- """Builds a n*m matrix of the form
- q*I, 0
- A^T, -I
- It corresponds to the LWE matrix
- :A: a m*n matrix
- :q: integer
- """
- (m, n) = A.nrows(), A.ncols()
- lambd = block4(q * identity_matrix(m),
- zero_matrix(ZZ, m, n),
- A.T,
- identity_matrix(n)
- )
- return lambd
- def kannan_embedding(A, target, factor=1):
- """Creates a kannan embedding, i.e. it appends a line and
- a column as follows.
- A, 0
- target, uSVP_embedding_coeff
- :A: a matrix
- :target: a vector
- """
- d = A.nrows()
- lambd = block4(A,
- zero_matrix(ZZ, d, 1),
- mat(target),
- mat([factor])
- )
- return lambd
- def recenter(elt, q):
- if elt > q / 2:
- return elt - q
- return elt
- def get_distribution_from_table(table, multiplicative_factor):
- eta = len(table)
- D_s = {}
- support = set()
- for i in range(eta):
- D_s[i] = table[i] / multiplicative_factor
- D_s[-i] = D_s[i]
- support.add(i)
- support.add(-i)
- _, var = average_variance(D_s)
- assert(abs(sum([D_s[i] for i in support]) - 1) < 1e-5)
- return D_s