- from fpylll import *
- # current version fpylll raises a lot of Deprecation warnings. Silence that.
- import warnings
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
- load("../framework/proba_utils.sage")
- load("../framework/utils.sage")
- load("../framework/geometry.sage")
- # Issues with hint that are caught, and only raise a warning
- class RejectedHint(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message):
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- return self.message
- # Issues with hint that are caught, and only raise a warning
- class InvalidHint(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message):
- self.message = message
- def __str__(self):
- return self.message
- def not_after_projections(fn):
- def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # if self.projections:
- # self.logging("You can't integrate more hints after projection. Sorry.", )
- # raise ValueError
- return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return decorated
- def without_dependencies(fn):
- def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):
- has_been_reduced = False
- if self.B is not None:
- has_been_reduced = has_been_reduced or (self.B.nrows() > self._dim)
- self.B = remove_linear_dependencies(self.B, self._dim)
- if self.D is not None:
- if has_been_reduced and (self.D.nrows() > self._dim):
- self.logging("(Warning, double computation with LLL)", priority=0, style='WARNING', newline=False)
- has_been_reduced = has_been_reduced or (self.D.nrows() > self._dim)
- self.D = remove_linear_dependencies(self.D, self._dim)
- return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return decorated
- def hint_integration_wrapper(force=False,
- non_primitive_action=None,
- requires=[],
- invalidates=[],
- catch_invalid_hint=True,
- estimate=True):
- def decorator(fn):
- def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if self.verbosity:
- self.logging(fn.__name__.replace("_", " "),
- style='ACTION', priority=1, newline=False)
- if fn.__name__ == "integrate_perfect_hint":
- self.logging(hint_to_string(
- args[0], args[1]), style='DATA',
- priority=2, newline=False)
- if fn.__name__ == "integrate_modular_hint":
- self.logging("(smooth)" if kwargs.get(
- "smooth", True) else "(nonsmooth)",
- priority=1, newline=False)
- self.logging(hint_to_string(
- args[0], args[1]) + " MOD %d" % args[2], style='DATA',
- priority=2, newline=False)
- if fn.__name__ == "integrate_approx_hint":
- self.logging("(aposteriori)" if kwargs.get(
- "aposteriori", False) else "(conditionning)",
- priority=1, newline=False)
- self.logging(hint_to_string(
- args[0], args[1]) + " + χ(σ²=%.3f)" % args[2],
- style='DATA', priority=2, newline=False)
- if fn.__name__ == "integrate_short_vector_hint":
- self.logging(hint_to_string(
- args[0], None, lit="c") + "∈ Λ", style='DATA',
- priority=2, newline=False)
- if "primal" in requires and self.B is None:
- self.D = remove_linear_dependencies(self.D, self._dim)
- self.B = dual_basis(self.D)
- if "dual" in requires and self.D is None:
- self.B = remove_linear_dependencies(self.B, self._dim)
- self.D = dual_basis(self.B)
- if "force" in kwargs:
- _force = kwargs["force"]
- del kwargs["force"]
- else:
- _force = force
- if "estimate" in kwargs:
- _estimate = kwargs["estimate"]
- del kwargs["estimate"]
- else:
- _estimate = estimate
- if (not _force) or _estimate:
- self.stash()
- if "catch_invalid_hint" in kwargs:
- _catch_invalid_hint = kwargs["catch_invalid_hint"]
- del kwargs["catch_invalid_hint"]
- else:
- _catch_invalid_hint = catch_invalid_hint
- if "non_primitive_action" in kwargs:
- _non_primitive_action = kwargs["non_primitive_action"]
- del kwargs["non_primitive_action"]
- else:
- _non_primitive_action = non_primitive_action
- try:
- if _non_primitive_action is not None:
- self.test_primitive_dual(concatenate(
- args[0], -args[1]), _non_primitive_action)
- fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.beta = None
- except RejectedHint as err:
- logging(str(err) + ", Rejected.", style="REJECT", newline=True)
- return False
- except InvalidHint as err:
- if _catch_invalid_hint:
- logging(str(err) + ", Invalid.",
- style="REJECT", newline=True)
- return False
- else:
- raise err
- if "primal" in invalidates:
- self.B = None
- if "dual" in invalidates:
- self.D = None
- if (not _force) or _estimate:
- return self.undo_if_unworthy(_force)
- else:
- self.logging("", newline=True)
- return True
- return decorated
- return decorator
- class DBDD_generic:
- """
- This class defines all the elements defining a DBDD instance
- """
- def __init__():
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "The generic class is not meant to be used directly.")
- def leak(self, v):
- value = scal(self.u * concatenate([v, [0]]).T)
- return value
- def stash(self):
- if self.beta is None:
- self.estimate_attack(silent=True)
- for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
- if key != "save":
- self.save[key] = copy(val)
- def pop(self):
- for key, val in self.save.items():
- if key != "save":
- self.__dict__[key] = val
- def undo_if_unworthy(self, force):
- self.estimate_attack(silent=True)
- if (-self.beta, self.delta)\
- <= (-self.save["beta"], self.save["delta"]):
- if force:
- self.logging("\t Unworthy hint, Forced it.", style="REJECT")
- return True
- else:
- self.logging("\t Unworthy hint, Rejected.", style="REJECT")
- self.pop()
- return False
- self.logging("\t Worthy hint !", style="ACCEPT", newline=False)
- self.logging("dim=%3d, δ=%.8f, β=%3.2f" %
- (self.dim(), self.delta, self.beta), style="VALUE")
- return True
- def logging(self, message, priority=1, style='NORMAL', newline=True):
- if priority > self.verbosity:
- return
- logging(message, style=style, newline=newline)
- def check_solution(self, solution):
- """ Checks wether the solution is correct
- If the private attributes of the instance are not None,
- the solution is compared to them. It outputs True
- if the solution is indeed the same as the private s and e,
- False otherwise.
- If the private e and s are not stored, we check that the
- solution is small enough.
- :solution: a vector
- """
- if self.u == solution or self.u == - solution:
- return True
- if scal(solution * solution.T) > 1.2 * self.expected_length:
- #print(scal(solution * solution.T), 1.2 * self.expected_length)
- return False
- if self.u is None:
- return True
- if self.verbosity:
- self.logging("Found an incorrect short solution.",
- priority=-1, style="WARNING")
- #print(solution)
- return False
- @not_after_projections
- @hint_integration_wrapper()
- def integrate_perfect_hint(self, v, l):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- @not_after_projections
- @hint_integration_wrapper()
- def integrate_modular_hint(self, v, l, k, smooth=True):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- @not_after_projections
- @hint_integration_wrapper()
- def integrate_approx_hint(self, v, l, variance, aposteriori=False):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- @not_after_projections
- @hint_integration_wrapper()
- def integrate_approx_hint_fulldim(self, center, covariance):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- @hint_integration_wrapper()
- def integrate_short_vector_hint(self, v):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- def volumes(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- def dim(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- def test_primitive_dual(self, V, action):
- raise NotImplementedError("This method is not generic.")
- def estimate_attack(self, probabilistic=False, tours=1, silent=False):
- """ Assesses the complexity of the lattice attack on the instance.
- Return value in Bikz
- """
- (Bvol, Svol, dvol) = self.volumes()
- dim_ = self.dim()
- beta, delta = compute_beta_delta(
- dim_, dvol, probabilistic=probabilistic, tours=tours)
- self.dvol = dvol
- self.delta = delta
- self.beta = beta
- if self.verbosity and not silent:
- self.logging(" Attack Estimation ", style="HEADER")
- self.logging("ln(dvol)=%4.7f \t ln(Bvol)=%4.7f \t ln(Svol)=%4.7f \t"
- % (dvol, Bvol, Svol) +
- "δ(β)=%.6f" % compute_delta(beta),
- style="DATA", priority=2)
- self.logging("dim=%3d \t δ=%.6f \t β=%3.2f " %
- (dim_, delta, beta), style="VALUE")
- self.logging("")
- return (beta, delta)
- def attack(self, beta_max=None, beta_pre=None, randomize=False, tours=1):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "The generic class is not meant to be used directly.")
- def S_diag(self):
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "The generic class is not meant to be used directly.")
- def integrate_q_vectors(self, q, min_dim=0, report_every=1, indices=None):
- self.logging(" Integrating q-vectors ", style="HEADER")
- Sd = self.S_diag()
- n = len(Sd)
- I = []
- J = []
- M = q * identity_matrix(n - 1)
- it = 0
- verbosity = self.verbosity
- if indices is None:
- indices = range(n - 1)
- while self.dim() > min_dim:
- if (it % report_every == 0) and report_every > 1:
- self.logging("[...%d]" % report_every, newline=False)
- Sd = self.S_diag()
- L = [(Sd[i], i) for i in indices if i not in I]
- if len(L) == 0:
- break
- _, i = max(L)
- I += [i]
- try:
- didit = self.integrate_short_vector_hint(
- vec(M[i]), catch_invalid_hint=False)
- if not didit:
- break
- J += [i]
- except InvalidHint as err:
- self.logging(str(err) + ", Invalid.",
- style="REJECT", priority=1, newline=True)
- it += 1
- self.verbosity = verbosity if (it % report_every == 0) else 0
- self.verbosity = verbosity
- return [vec(M[i]) for i in J]