Fork of the official github repository of the framework Leaky-LWE-Estimator, a Sage Toolkit to attack and estimate the hardness of LWE with Side Information.
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run_all_applications.sage 320B

  1. print("Generating all data (takes a while...)")
  2. print("\nFor Table 3\n")
  3. load("exploiting_SCA_from_Bos_et_al.sage")
  4. print("\nFor Figure 6\n")
  5. load("exploiting_decryption_failures.sage")
  6. print("\nFor Table 4 \n")
  7. load("exploiting_design_LAC.sage")
  8. load("exploiting_design_ntru.sage")
  9. load("exploiting_design_round5.sage")